Grosz’s (1990) chapter on language and the unconscious pays particular attention to the theoretical developments by Lacan, in relation to psychoanalytic discourse on the unconscious mind. The chapter excavate’s Lacan’s work and his own analysis on dreams, in relation to the unconscious mind. “ I will attempt to elaborate concretely Lacan's understanding of the unconscious as a language-like structure, and show how it can explain the mysterious procedures of dream interpretation on which psychoanalysis is founded by examining one of Freud's own dreams as he presents it in The Interpretation of Dreams” (105). In highlighting language throughout his work, Lacan demonstrated how limiting language can be in expressing the unconscious. Grosz essentially highlights the work of Lacan and how he integrated linguistic theory into psychoanalysis and understanding unconsciousness. She succinctly concludes her summary at the end of the chapter.